Friday 30 December 2011


वे आए और बैठ गए बेंच पर
एक दूसरे के करीब
मैंने हरी घास का एक तिनका
होठों के बीच रख लिया।

वे बातों में रम गए
बाहों में बंधे
झुके बरगद के नीचे
और मैंने घुमड़ रहे भावों को नंगा कर
तनाव की झाड़ी में फेंक दिया।

वे बाहों में बंधे बैठे थे
मौन की झाड़ी कांपी फिर स्थिर हुई
सूनी आंखों में भर लिए
सान्ध्याकाश के भटकते मेघ
दूर एक पंछी अकेला
इस छोर से उस छोर तक उड़ता हुआ
चला गया
प्रेम निर्मोन का करता अभिषेक।

Experiencing the sensitivity of love

Both came there and sat on the bench
Close to each other, unmindful of others
I plucked a leaf of the green grass
and placed it is between my lips.

They forgot all else, absorbed in their talks
In each other's arms
under the banyan tree
And I stripped my crowded feelings,
threw them in the bush of tension.

They both were sitting arms-in-arms
half lying
Thebush of silence treambled
and then stabled itself again
I filled up my eyes with wandering clouds
inthe evening sky
In the far of space a solitary bird
flew from this end to that end
the bird lost itself from the path of
my gazing,
Perhaps the bird was paying
royal salute to the soundless

Abortion of Lokpal Bill

Its a matter of great sorrow &  surprise to see the treachery and black politics in the proceeding of Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha on adoption of Lokpal Bill on 26th, 27th, 28th & 29th December 2011, The New Generation of India felt horrified as how the most corrupt and eaters of animal feeders ignorantly and cunningly  safeguard their own interests selfishness and corrupt party politics the govt was helpless and could not do the required leadership skills to Pass the lokpal Bill. The history of India can not forget the great treachery and injury inflicted on the body of democracy and disown the right of people. During the last more that forty years Lokpal Bill is pending and waiting. It's the voice of one Gandhian Anna Hazare by which the youth of modern India gathered to speak & think about the most corrupt Politics and the leaders selfishness in hoarding the money and Power making the Indian democracy the most corrupt and people after 65th year of Independence.
Certainly the new generation of India will give these corrupt leaders befitting reply in the next Assembling and general Elections.

लोकपाल बिल की भ्रूण हत्या 
लोकपाल बिल का संसद द्वारा पास न किया जाना भारतीय लोकतंत्र के लिए कलंक है। जो भ्रष्ट नेता जनता का पैसा ही नहीं जानवरों का चारा तक खा कर डकारते नहीं वे संसद में बड़े-बड़े भाषण देकर भारतीय जनतंत्र को बदनाम करते हुए इस देश की जनता के साथ गद्दारी करते हैं। उनकी चालाकी, भ्रष्टाचारी प्रकृति  का नजारा संसद में लोकपाल बिल पेश होने के दौरान दिखाई दिया।
सरकार 40 वर्षों से अधिक समय से लोकपाल कानून संसद द्वारा पास नहीं करा सकी। गांधीवादी अन्ना हजारे के आह्वान पर देश के लाखों युवकों ने जब भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ अपनी आवाज बुलन्द की, तब देश के भ्रष्ट नेताओं के पास लोकपाल पास करने के सिवाय कोई रास्ता नहीं बचा। फिर भी उनकी नीयत में खोट के कारण राज्यसभा में बिल पास नहीं हो सका और नेताओं के घटिया शोर शराबे की काली रात के अंधेरे में यह खो गया। 65 वर्षों की जनतांत्रिक व्यवस्था में नेताओं के भ्रष्ट, अजनतांत्रिक स्वार्थपरक, लोकाचार के कारण भारत की विशेष कर ग्रामीण जनता त्रस्त और पस्त है। नई पीढ़ी यह सब देख रही है और अगले चुनावों में भ्रष्ट नेताओं को सबक सिखाएगी।
कुछ नेता अन्ना हजारे पर वार करने से नहीं चूक रहे हैं वे कल जनतंत्र के भिखारी के रूप में जाने जाएंगे। इतिहास और जनता उनको कभी माफ नहीं करेगी। 

Tuesday 27 December 2011

गांधीगीरी की प्रासंगिकता

गांधीगीरी आज भी भारत ही नहीं बल्कि सारी दुनिया में प्रासंगिक है। आजादी की सुरक्षा, मानव अधिकारों का संरक्षण सत्ता की मार, पैसों से वोट की खरीद-फरोख्त, भ्रष्टाचार और काले धन की अजगरी विषाक्ता से मुक्ति पाने के लिए गांधीवाद, अहिंसा और जनजागरण तथा एकजूटता बहुत जरूरी है।
भ्रष्ट अधिकारियों, नेताओं को सबक सिखाना गांधीगीरी का सबसे पहला काम है।  गांधीवादी, अन्ना हजारे का आंदोलन, भारत की आजादी तथा राष्ट्रवाद को सुदृढ़ करने का उचित कदम है। आज के भ्रष्टाचार के फैलते हुए वायरस जो भारतीय जनमानस को हर तरह से विषाक्त बना रहा है और उसे हर कदम पर दूषित कररहाहै। आज के संदर्भ में भारतीय जनगण को अपने अधिकारों और कर्तव्यों के प्रति निःस्वार्थ भाव से देश के लिए जागरूक होना जरूरी है। चाहे सत्ता पक्ष हो या विपक्ष दोनों को राष्ट्रहित में काम करना है। अन्ना की आवाज समाज में छायी बुराई, अराजकता, सरकारी धन की लूट, नेताओं की मनमानी और भ्रष्टाचार के विरुद्ध एक आंदोलन है। जिससे राष्ट्र की आजादी सुरक्षित रह सके। अब जनता को निडर होकर अपने वोट का सही इस्तेमाल करना है। अच्छे, बेदाग प्रतिनिधियों को ही चुनना है। यही देशी की स्वतंत्रता की सुरक्षा का एक ही रास्ता है।
हमें अन्ना हजारे के आंदोलन से जुड़कर राष्ट के लिए यदि बलिदान देना पड़े तो उससे बढ़कर कुछ भी नहीं। 

Thursday 15 December 2011


गांधीगीरी आज अधिक प्रासांगिक है। आजादी की सुरक्षा, मानव अधिकारों के संरक्षण, पैसों से वोट खरीद फरोख्त, भ्रष्टाचार और कालेधन की अजगरी विषाक्तता से मुक्ति पाने के लिए गांधीवाद, अहिंसा, जन-जागरुकता, एकजुटता जरूरी है।
भ्रष्ट अधिकारियों, नेताओं को आजन्म कारावास दिया जाना चाहिए।
गांधी वादी अन्ना हजारे का आंदोलन जनजागरण और राष्ट्रवाद को सुदृढ़ करने का उचित कदम है। जन-लोकपाल देश के लिए जरूरी है।
आज के संदर्भ में भारतीय जनगण को अपने अधिकारों और कर्तव्यों के प्रति जागरूक होना है। उससे सत्ता पक्ष और विपक्ष के लिए राष्ट्रहित में काम करने का मार्ग प्रशस्त होगा। समाज में छाई बुराई, अराजकता, सरकारी धन की लूट, नेताओं की मनमानी  और साजिशों से जनता एकजुट होकर सावधान रहे। अपने वोट का सही इस्तेमाल करे। अच्छे वेदाग प्रतिनिधि को ही चुने। वोट दे। यही देश की स्वतंत्रता की सुरक्षा और विकास का सही रास्ता है।

Wednesday 7 December 2011

मथुरा-वृन्दावन इतिहास की परतों में

वृंदावन, 7 नवम्बर, 2011

तीन दिनों तक मथुरा वृंदावन राधाकृष्ण धाम का
दर्शन, परिदर्शन करता रहा
राधामधव के प्रति आत्म-भाव की डोर से बंधा
विदा लेकर इस पावन माटी की
राधा-गंध सुवासित नन्दन-कानन से
आज प्रस्थान करूंगा,
कलकत्ता महानगर की भीड़ भरी
सड़कों, दिनचर्याओं की आत्महन्ता पीड़ा,
सहेजने के लिए
विदा दो गोपी कृष्ण, मधुसूदन, गोविन्द,
लल्ला, माखन चोर, रणछोड़, गोपाल,
कनुप्रिया, कान्हा, कन्हैया, कृष्ण,
कालिन्दी तटवासी, कालेनाग को परास्त करने वाले,
माखन, चीर-चोर, रास रचैया, नट नागर,
नमन है वृन्दावन,
नमन है कृष्ण जन्म भूमि मथुरा,
नमन है विगत इतिहास का
कृष्णकारी समय
राधा माधव तुम्हारा जन्म जन्मान्तर हो जय।

वंशी का मोहक जदुअई स्वर

बंशी वंशी चली नाव
धीरे-धीरे यमुना के बीच
कान्हा ने बांधा पाल
रेशम की डोरी खींच
राधा खिलखिलाकर हंस पड़ीं
मध्य रात्रि में चन्द्रिमा कार्तिकपूनम की
एकटक देख रही अद्भूत जल बिहार
स्थिर, मनमुग्ध, आकाश में जड़ी,
राधा माधव जा रहे यमुना घाट से नंद गांव

राधा ने झुक कर चुल्लू भर
कालिन्दी का जल
छिड़क दिया कान्हा की देह पर
जादुई चातुरी से नट नागर ने भिंगोया
राधा का तनमन संप्रीति के जल से
राधा ने धीरे से कहा
चलो बांधो न नाव
नन्द गांव-तट के पीपल की छांव
बात बात में
कट गई रात
वंशी बजी चलती रही नाव

राधामय वृन्दाधाम
स्मृतियां अब भी हरी भरी हैं
निधिवन में
रासलीला के अभिनव भावनर्तन में
विह्वल करने वाले आत्म मन में
स्मृतियां अब भी जीवित हैं
सेवा-कुंज के आर पार
राधारमण के आत्म-मिलन क्षण में
कालिन्दी के कछारों में
स्मृतियां सदा, बनी रहेंगी अजर अमर,
राधा गोपीनाथ की अमर-लीला में
बांके बिहारी के आनन्द-नन्दन-कानन में
वृन्दावन की पावन मिट्टी के रजकण में
आज भी बरसाने में राधा राज राजेश्वरी हैं।

Monday 5 December 2011

बजी वंशी चली नाव

बजी बंशी चली नाव
धीरे-धीरे यमुना के बीच
कान्हा ने बांधा लाल-हरे पाल
रेशम की डोरी खींच
राधा खिलखिला कर हंस पड़ीं
मध्य रात्रि में कार्तिक पूनम की चन्द्रिमा
एकटक देख रही अद्भुत जल बिहार
स्थिर, मनमुग्ध, आकाश में जड़ी
राधा माधव जा रहे यमुना घाट से नंदगांव

राधा ने झुक कर चुल्लू भर
कालिन्दी का जल
छिड़क दिया कान्हा की देह पर
जादुई चातुरी से नटनागर में भिंगोया
राधा का तनमन संप्रीति के जल से
राधा ने धीरे से कहा
चलो बांधो न नांव
नन्द गांव-तट के पीपल की छांव
बात बात में
कट गई रात
बंशी बजी चलती रही नाव।

वृंदावन- का दर्शन

हजारों वर्षों से सजे संवरे, सिंहासन परबैठे
लाल, हरे, पीले, नीले सुन्दर वस्त्रों में सजे
मस्तक पर वैष्णवी तिलक
और हाथ में बांसुरी
जिसके मधुर मनोरम मर्मवेधी स्वर ने
पूरे गोकुल गांव, नन्दगांव, बरसाने यमुना तट,
नन्दन-कानन के आर-पार
गूंजने पर
ग्वाल-बालाएं राधा के संग दौड़ पड़ती थी
अपने प्रिय सखा कान्हा से मिलने पागल-मन
रात के अर्ध प्रहर
कालिन्दी- तट पर
निधि-वन में रचाते थे रास-लीला
हे लला, तुम्हारे नटखटपन
यशोदा मैया, नन्द बाबा, ग्वालबाल
राधा और पंच पांडवों ने झेला जिया
तुमने महाभारत में अधर्म के विरुद्ध
धर्म का ध्वज फहराया
हे गोपी माधव, हे गोविन्द, हे राधारमण
तुमने वंशी के स्वर पर
सारे बरसाने, वृन्दावन को मोहित किया
जीवन पर्यन्त जन-आराध्य बनकर जिया
और आज भी तुम जीवित हो
दोहराने अधर्म के विरुद्ध धर्म युद्ध की प्रक्रिया।

मथुरा-वृन्दावन की कविताएं

हरे कृष्ण महा मंत्र का स्वर,
मृदंग तथा वाद्य यंत्रों के साज पर
इस्कान मंदिर में गूंज रहा
भक्त आत्मविभोर नाच रहे
चारों ओर आनन्दप्रभा से
लोगों के चेहरे खिले हैं
किन्तु, भीतर राग-विराग के अनगिन पैबन्द लगे
मोह, लोभ, स्वार्थ के तरह-तरह के टुकड़ों से सिले हैं।
ऐसे भक्तों की आंखें कहीं हैं
मन कहीं है
फिर भी हरे कृष्ण के स्वर से स्वर मिलाकर
वे नाच रहे, थिरक रहे
जय हरी बोल की कीर्तन में मग्न
जैसे पुण्य कमा कर बैतरणी पार करने का
सरजाम जुटा रहे
इस भव्य मंदिर के प्राचीर में
प्रसाद द्रव्य के भाव पर बिकता है
जीवन तो मुट्ठी भर सिक्ता है।

एक साहित्य-सर्जक की - हिन्दी जगत तथा विश्व के सर्वश्रेष्ठ अभिनेता देवानन्द को श्रद्धांजलि

तुम निचले तबके से उठ कर
कलात्मक अभिनय की सीढ़ियां चढ़ते गए
और ऊंचाई पर अपने को स्थापित किया।
हिन्दी सिनेमा को अत्यधिक जनप्रिय प्रभावशाली, विश्वजयी बनाया
88 वर्षों तक भारतीय हिन्दी सिनेमा के
दर्शकों पर छाए रहे
और आज अपने देश की धरती से दूर
विलायत में तुम्हारी सांसों के पंख पखेरू उड़ गए
जीवन के अंतिम क्षण में अनन्त से जुड़ गए
तुम्हें मेरा शत-शत प्रणाम। हार्दिक श्रद्धांजलि।
जीत का अंतिम चरण बस क्षय है
सभी मानव जीवन-मरण का अंतिम पड़ाव, अनन्त समय है।

तेलमय भारत, खेलमय सरकारी नीतियां

भारत में महंगाई से आम आदमी पिस रहा है। गलत राजनैतिक नीतियों के कारण तेल की कीमतें आसमान छू रही हैं। खाद्यानों की कीतमें भी देश के प्रत्येक तबके को प्रभावित कर रहा है। क्या कारण है कि हमारे पड़ोसी देश पाकिस्तान में तेल की कीमत - 26 रुपये, बंगलादेश में 22 रुपये, अफगानिस्तान में 36 रुपये, नेपाल में 34 रुपये तथा वर्मा में 30 रुपये है। वहां महंगाई पर काबू किया जा रहा है, किन्तु हमारे नीति निर्धारक क्यों नहीं महंगाई रोकने के लिए कठिन निर्मय लेते। व्यापार जगत को अधिक छूट देना देश के लिए आत्मघातक है। आज के संदर्भ में उस पर कंट्रोल रखना आवश्यक  है।

Tuesday 29 November 2011

The Time's Powerful Game

Mind & Body work together only when love happiness prevails and these are free from illness, worries, anxiety & miserable moments when light shapes into Darkness.
I have been confronted with worst health problems and at Yaslok Hospital at Allahabad (U.P.) experienced the hopelessness of life's journey and incoming of death. I was fully dependent on Doctors and Medicines for almost one month cutting me from your contacts.

Man is a prisoner of time and helpless creature which we faces from time  to time in the life, only hope & extreme will power saves us from tyranny of natures hurdles and time supreme.

The Time's Powerful Game

Mind & Body work together only when love happiness prevails and these are free from illness, worries, anxiety & miserable moments when light shapes into Darkness.
I have been confronted with worst health problems and at Yaslok Hospital at Allahabad (U.P.) experienced the hopelessness of life's journey and incoming of death. I was fully dependent on Doctors and Medicines for almost one month cutting me from your contacts.

Man is a prisoner of time and helpless creature which we faces from time  to time in the life, only hope & extreme will power saves us from tyranny of natures hurdles and time supreme.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Dr. Swadesh Bharati

Literary Biodata
Swadesh  Bharati

Swadesh Bharati, recipient of “Premchand Award” and “Sahitya Bhushan Award” lives in Kolkata from where he edits “RUPAMBARA”- a literary bilingual quarterly journal. He has been in active field of creative writing since more than 45 years. Born at PRATAGARH (U.P) on 12.12.1939 and educated at I.K.M. Inter College Anapur, Allahabad, Eving Christian College, Allahabad, Charuchandra College, Kolkata University, Annamalai University, Chennai with MA Degree in public Administration has started writing at the age of 12 years. Sri Bharati’s Poems are included in “Chautha Saptak” (The Four Raga), a historic Hindi Poetry Collection edited by “Ajneya”, internationally acclaimed poet and Author. His poems reveal the inner depth of mystic nature’s enchanting beauty, the struggle and existence of mankind. The critics describe his Poetry as multi-dimensional, the expression of nature, and the modern lifes’ decadence with new awareness and an expression of stream of new consiousness, freedom, peace, love and happiness for making a new generation of world joyful. He has widely travelled in India and abroad, that is why his expressions have multi-dimensional shades and experiences. He has to his credit 22 collections of Poems, 8 Novels & 45 Edited works, published about 150 volumes of Rupambara-literary journal by remaining its editor for the last 44 years. He received Premchand Award from U.P. Govt. In 1989 on his Novel ‘Auratnama’ (The women hood). He travelled in U.S.A., Britain, France & other countries to participate in Poetry Symposiums and meetings of Board of Directors of  International Childrens Community Foundation as its director. He was conferred Sahitya Mahopadhyay (Doctor of Literature) by Hindi Sahitya Sammelan, (Hindi University), Allahabad in 1993. He received Hindi Seva Samman (Award for continuous writing) awarded by Mysore Hindi Parishad at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi on 29th October 1994. Honoured with Sahitya Bhushan  Award by U.P. Hindi Sansthan, Lucknow on 27th December, 2001. Honoured for remarkable achievements in Hindi literature & services to Hindi & other Indian Languages by National Institute of Teachers Technical Training & Research, Bhopal. Govt of India nominated him. Member of Kendriya Hindi Samiti constituted under the chairmanship of Hon. Prime Minister, India. Also nominated as member - Ministry of Textile & Ministry of Power Hindi advisory committee Govt. of India. He was awarded Vishwa Hindi Seva Samman for his valable Contribution in the field of Language and literature Nagri Prachar Sabha has awarded him Nagari-Ratna Samman on 14.09.08 at Deoria (U.P.) Govt. of India (MEA) honoured him with Vishwa Hindi Samman for his out standing contributions in the field of language and literature for International Honour at 8th World Hindi Conference - 13-15th July, 2007 at New York, USA.
Swadesh Bharati. has contributed a lot through his Poems, Short stories, Novels to Hindi & Indian Languages especially Bengali, Oriya, Telgu, Tamil, Marathi, Konkani etc. and other Indian literature. DESH, ANAND BAZAR PATRIKA, KRITTIBAS, KALIKALM, ANUVAD PATRIKA, and other Indian literary Journals widely published his work. Poet Bharati was attached with eminent writers of Indian and foreign Languages. He has translated the Bengali Poetry & published Modern Indian Poetry - Bengali. The farmous names included Noble laureate Rabindra Nath Thakur (The Last Poems), Sakti Chattopadhyay (Aboni Badi Achho), Subhas Mukhopadyay and other famous Bengali poets. He also translated in Hindi the collection of Poems entitled ‘Jeebna Das Ki Shrestha Kavitayein’. Sri Bharati also edited Modern Oriya Poetry in English & Hindi  also he edited alongwith several anthologies in Hindi selected from contemporary Oriya Literature. The Indian Poetry today-Telgu included Poems of 8 Digambara Kavulu (The Naked Poets) of  modern Telugu Poetry, selected poems of Tamil, Marathi, Konkani, Bengali & other Indian Languages. Sri Bharati was felicitated by Mitra Mandir, the famous cultural & Social organisation of Kolkata for his contribution towards Language and literature. On 26th Maty 09 the Literary Club, Bhilai Steel Plant has awarded Pramod Verma Sahitya Samman and Chhatisgarh Hindi Lekhak Sammelan Awarded Pt. Rajendra Prasad Shukla Sadbhawna Sahitya Samman on     28-05-09 at Raipur. ‘Golkanda Darpan’ & Geet Chandni felicitated at Hyderabad on 29.8.10. Lt. Gen. Governor Puducherry Honoured him on 4.10.10 at Rajniwas, Puducherry. Nominated by Govt. of India Hon. Member of Rajbhasha Hindi Advisory Committee of Ministry of Finance

    1. Ikees Subhah Aur                                                                                      (Poetry Collection)                                          1969
               - 21 Mornings more                                                                           (Tr. & Pub. In Oriya)
    2. International Poetry Number; Vo., 1                                                        (Poetry Collection containingselected
                                                                                                                              Poetry of 16 major world languages)          1969
    3. Indian Poetry Todya - Marathi                                                                  (Poetry Collection)                                          1969
    4.       Indian Poetry Today-Telegu                                                             (Poetry Collection)                                          1970
    5.       Shav-Yatra                                                                                           (Novel)                                                               1970
               - The Funeral Procession                                                                 (Tr. & Pub. in Oriya)
   6.        Satven Dashak Ki Shreshtha Kahaniya                                         (Best selected Short Stories)                       1970
               - The Best Strories of 7th Decade in Hindi
  7.         Mahanagar                                                                                          (Selected Short Stories)                                1970
               -The Metropolis
  8.         Indian Poetry Today-Bengali                                                            (Selected Bengali Poetry Collection)          1971
  9.         Indian Poetry Today - Oriya                                                               (Selected Oriya Poetry Collection)               1974
10.         Awajon Ke Kathghare Mein                                                              (Poetry Collection)                                          1976
               -Amidst the stockade of sounds
11.         Tapis Mitati Nahin                                                                              (Poetry Collection)                                          1976
               -Thirst Never quenches
12.         Poems included in Chautha Saptak                                              (Poetry Collection)                                          1981
               - The fourth Raga
               - (Edited by Ajneya, the famous poet)
13.         Man Chahta hai Apanapan                                                               (Poetry Collection)                                          1981
14.         Sampratik Hindi Sahitya-Rachana Aur Alochana                        (Literary Criticism)                                          1981
                -Creation & Criticism in contemporary Hindi Literature
15.         Hindi Ki Sarvashreshtha Kavitayen                                                (Poetry Collection)                                          1981
               The best Poems in Hindi
               (Edited by Bachchan, the famous Poet,
               father of super film star Amitabh Bachchan
16.         Doosra Vamachar                                                                              (Long Verse)                                                    1983
               -The second thinker                                                                                                                                                      1990
17.         Kathanagar                                                                                          (Short stories)                                                  1984
               -The story-city
18.         Auratnama                                                                                           (Novel)                                                               1984
               -The Womanhood (Premchand Award winning book)               (Tr. in Oriya)                                                     
19.         Saharyar                                                                                               (Novel)                                                               1985
               (The city friend)                                                                                   (Tr. in English)
20.         Bhare Hat ke Beech                                                                           (Tr. & Pub. in Oriya)                                         1987
               - Amidst the crowded market                                                           (Poetry Collection)
21.         Samkaleen Hindi Kavitayen                                                                                                                                         1984
               -(Contemporary Hindi Poetry Collection)
22.         Samakaleen Oriya Kaveitayen                                                         (Oriya Poetry Collection in Hindi)                 1984
               --(Contemporary Collection of Oriya Poetry)
23.         Jeebananda Das Ki Kavitayen                                                        (The best Poems of Jeebananand             1984
                                                                                                                              Das in Hindi, Tr. from Bengali)
24.         Calcutta O’ Calcutta (1st Vol.)                                                          (Long Poem on Calcutta)                              1990
25.         Yatna Shivir
               - The Concentration Camp                                                               (Novel)                                                               1990
               (Based on Bangladesh Liberation Struggle)                                (Tr. in Bengali)
26.         Trasadi Ke Dwar par                                                                         (Poetry Collection))                                         1991
               --(At the Door Step of Decadence)
27.         Sidhian Chandta Surya                                                                     (Poetry Collection)                                          1994
               (Steping up sun)
28.         Ghatana-Durghatna                                                                           Novel                                                                 1994
               -(The Incident-Accidents)                                                                  Novel                                                                
29.         Surya Ka Ahat Maun                                                                           Poetry Collection                                             1999&07
               (The Wounded Silence of the Sun)
30.         Anantah (The unending)                                                                   Poetry Collection                                             2001&07
32.         Samay Ki Jarjar Nav Mein (In the broken boat at time)               Poetry Collection                                             2001&07
33.         Sagar Priya (The ocean beloved)                                                    (An Epic)                                                           2005
34.         Hindi Ki Vikash Yatra                                                                                                                                                     2005
               (Progress-Journey of Hindi)                                                             Research contents                                        
35.         Shabdateet                                                                                          Poetry Collection                                             2005
               (Beyond words)
36.         Kolkata O’ Kolkata (Vol I & II)                                                            Long Verse                                                       2005
37.         Nagar-Bandhu (The City Friend)                                                     Novel                                                                 2006
38.         Karyalayeen Hindi Prayog & Vividh Sandarbh                                                                                                          2006
39.         Mungeri Lal Ka Prajatantra                                                               Long Verse                                                       2007
40.         Ecoing-Silence of the Falling Leaves                                             Selected Poems in English                          2010
41          Related to Official Language implemantation and Hindi Workshop Help Literature                                       2011
42.         Aranyak (The forest Mate)                                                                 Novel                                                                 2011
43.         Bhagta Hua Samay (Running of time)                                           Novel                                                                 2011
44.         Comprehensive Official Terms Dictionary (Glossary in Hindi/English                                                               2011
Special Features of Literary and other Achievements
1.            Works Translated/Published in mostly all major. Hindi, English, Oriya, Tamil, Malayalam, Bengali, Nepali, Konkani and other Indian and foreign journals. Participated in a number of Poetry Seminars/Conferences in India and abroad. Works covered by A. I. R. Doordarshan (TV) and other media. Organised several writers workshops/Seminars/Conferences sponsored by Central Hindi Directorate (Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Education and Culture, Government of India),  Faculty guide of several Workshops organised by Central Hindi Directorate, NCERT and other universities. Acted as a member of Selection Board for recruitment of Hindi Officers instituted by several PUC’s.
2.            Editing Rupambara, a bilingual literary journal published in Hindi and English since 1965.
3.            In 1964-65 he received Diploma on study of Vedanta & World religion from School of Humanistic and Cultural Studies, Ram Krishna Mission Institute of culture, Calcutta, Founded Writers Colony (Vishwamukti), At the  beautiful Chilka Lakes on Orissa coast and working as its Founder-Chairman since 1971, which is being established for the development of Indian Languages and welfere of young Indian writers and poets. Founder-President of Rastriya Hindi Academy, (National Hindi Academy), Forum. Established Indian Writers Andman Hindi Academy. Life-member- ISKCON, Ex-member Dirctor Lions Club International and engaged in several Philanthropic activities. Founded “Sevayatan” an orphanage for children at Calcutta.
4.            National Hindi Academy (Rastriya Hindi Academy) under Sri. Bharati’s chairmanship and guidance has organised successful and historic 18 All India Offical language Conferences, Internatinal Seminars on Literature at Bhubneswar (Orissa), Darjeeling (W.B.), Portbalair (Andaman & Nicobar Island), Gangtok (Sikkim), Ooty (Tamilnadu), Goa, Kathmandu (Nepal), Kovalam (Kerala), Kalimpong (W.B.), Shillong (Meghalaya), Shimla, Pondichery, Tirupati, Shantiniketan, Mysore, Nainital, Puri, Manali etc. National Conventions on Official Language, National Poets Meet, Young Writers Seminars, International Seminar on Literature at different places of the country have proved very effective for National Integration and development of Indian Languages along with Hindi, Instituted several National & Internations Awards on literature on great masters of 18-Indian & Foreign Languages for friendship, peace and universal brotherhood.
5.            Besides a creative Poet and Author, Swadesh Bahrati has given a new direction to the young, emerging poets and authors of Indian Languages and Edited more than 40 new writers series-books by young writers. He has been relentlessly working for develpment and spreading of Hindi as National Language and the Language of U.N.O and also working for develpment of other Indian Languages. He attended Board Meetings of Internationa Childrens Community Foundation (ICCF) at Morgantown (USA) New York and other places as a member of Board of Directors in 1989. Attended 6th World Hindi Conference (Vishwa Hindi Sammelan) at London (U. K.) in 1999 & visited other countries.
6.            Received Premchand Award by Government of Uttar Pradesh on his Famous Novel “Auratnama” (The womenhood) in 1989. Sahitya Mahopadhyay (Doctor of literature) Honour by Hindi Sahitya Sammelan, Allahabad in 1993 and “Shrestha Kriti Award” given by ‘Tamsuk’ at East Zone Poets Conference, Coochbihar in 1993. Hindi SEVA SAMMAN for continuous writing of creative literature) at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi in 1994 by Mysore Hindi Parishad. Felicitated by Govt. of Himachal Pradesh at Shimla in 1998. Felicitated by Dakshin Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha. Tamilnadu Hindi Academy at Chennai. Felicitated by Osmania University & Womens College, Hyderabad during 1999. Sri Bharati played active role in recognition of Nepali, Konkani & Manipur Languages in the 8th Schedule of Indian Consitution in 1992. This has been proved as a great contribution in integrating the country. Due to Sri Bharati’s relentless effort’s All India Official Language Conference and International Seminar on literature was organised at Kathmandu, Nepal in 1996. About 200 Nepali authors were invited. They discussed and exchanged thoughts about Nepali & Hindi Languages. This Conference was very useful in lessening tension and anti India feelng in Nepal.
7.            International Poetry Number edited by him containing the best selected Poems of 16 languages of the world was well received by Press and Poetry lovers world wide.  Also Edited 30 Special Numbers of Rupambara on various aspects of creative writing and development of Hindi Language along with other Indian languages.
8.            His Biodata is included in ‘who is who in the world’, who is who in literature’  ‘Asian -American Who is who’, ‘Asia Pacific who is who’ ‘Who is Who in Indian Literature’ and several other reference directories in India and abroad. More than 200 books, journals in Hindi & other languages published his poems and other works. All India Radio, Doordarshan, Calcutta, Lucknow, New Delhi, Ahemedabad, Gangtok, Portblair, Guwahati, Goa and other stations has  broadcasted, Telecast has his works. Selected as the man of the year 1999 by American Biographical Institute INC (USA).
9.            Research work done by research (PH.D.,D.Lit., M.Phil) Scholars on his Novels & Poetry instituted by Osmania University,Hyderabad, Chennai University, Kanpur University, Mysore University and several other Universities.
10.         Received Sahitya Bhushan Honour on Literature) by U.P. Hindi Sansthan Lucknow in 2001.
11.         His works contain special appeal for universal love, Affinity, brotherhood and world peace, a fine interpretation of nature & human existence, a deep insight of Indian culture and richest heritage.
12.         He is at present faunder, Chairman, Rashtriya Hindi Academy and Editor Rupambara and connected with several News papers & other media in India and abroad.
13.         Hindi website has been started under his dirction, covering entire spectrum of Hindi Literature for Indian and Internatinal  readership through Hindi Internet.
14.         He has been Nominated as Hon. Member of Kendriya Hindi Samiti consitituted under the Chairmanship of Hon. Prime Minister, Govt. of India (2004).
15.         Nominated as Member, Ministry of Textile - Hindi Salahkar Samiti and Ministry of Power - Hindi Salahkar Samiti (2005) and member of Ministry of Power Hindi Advisory committees.
16.         Felicitated by NIT TR, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Writers Association, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Womens Writers Association on 29.05.05 at Bhopal.
17.         He received Hindi Seva Samman at ‘Hindi Kumbh’ Bangalore given by H.E. Governor, Karnataka Hon. Ex. Minister of RD. and Hon. Minister of Labour, Govt. of India, organised by Mysore Hindi Parishad on 11.01.06
18.         He was Honoured at 8th World Hindi Conference, New Yark (USA) on 15.07.07 and felicitated by Mitra Mandir Kolkata (A Literary and Culctural Organisation) on 14.10.07 & felicitated by Nagri Pracharini Sabha, Deoria (UP) with Nagri Ratna Hon. on 14.09.08. Felicitated with pramod Verma Sahitya Samman and Pt. Rajendra Prasad Shukla Sadbhavna Sahitya Samman by Chhatisgarh lekhak Sammelan. Hounored by Golkonda Darpan & Geet Chandni on 29.8.10 at Hyderabad. H. E. Governor, Puducherry Felecitated on 4.10.10.
19.         Currently working on his two Novels Amrit Sagar Ki Khoj (the Search for Necter sea) and Retghar (The house of sands). More than 9000 Poems written by the Poet contineously one on each day are still to be published apart of 22 Poetry collections.
20.          Nominated as Hon. Member-Ministry of Finance Hindi Salahkar Samiti in November 2010,

Office :
Rashtriya Hindi Academy
22-B, Pratapaditya Road, Kolkata - 700 026
(O) 91-33-2213 5102 / 2466 4269 ,  Fax : 91-33-2213 5102

Residence :
331-Pashupati Bhattacharya Road, Kolkata - 700 041
(R)  91-33-2406 7127, (M) 9831155760 / E-mail :
Issued by Indian Writers Forum